#18 Obviously: Axiom

22 Feb

What is Tide detergent? It’s a product to clean and make clothes smell better. We know it has chemicals which help do the job, obviously. But wouldn’t it be obvious there could be bad dangerous chemicals in Tide if apparently it is so tough. I did some research and found different opinions and statements.

The following i found on New York Times.

“Tests run by environmental group Women’s Voices for the Earth found small amounts of a cancer-causing chemical called dioxane in Tide Free and Gentle and Tide Original Scent . However, representatives of Cincinnati-based Procter and Gamble, which produces Tide, say the amounts of dioxane are not harmful.”

“What’s most appalling is that Tide Free & Gentle is marketed to moms as a healthier choice for their children’s laundry. Yet infants and children are more vulnerable to chemical exposures because their immune, neurological, and hormone systems are still developing,” said a message on the Women’s Voices for the Earth website .

But i did find that there is no federal limits on what constitutes safe levels of dioxane, though the Environmental Protection Agency says that dioxane may cause cancer in lab rats.

Now a days almost everything has “dangerous chemicals” or “causes cancer”. There will always be theories out there about what is not healthy for you and might “lead or cause” certain things to happen to you. I don’t really worry too much about it, if Tide has become this big in it’s company and made all these products that people can trust, then i doubt they’re really that harmful.

Axiom- Self evident truth- Obvious – Tide is made of chemicals – Chemicals – Harmful- Not Harmful

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